LTU has its headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. They started as a small charter airline in the middle of the 20th century and grew into a huge leisure carrier by the mid nineties. They have mainatined their motto "Flying is for everyone" during the entire time. Their proud fleet of L1011s was famous around the world during the eighties. Later, MD11s added to the fleet that also included 757s and 767s for smaller markets.
Sadly, due to mismanagement they came to the brink of bankruptcy a few years back. In a desperate struggle for survival they cut services and were close to losing their good reputation, but fortunately they have by now been able to turn the airline around. Of course the posters on the wall are the only thing that remains from the proud era when LTU jets were common visitors on airports all around the world. Today they mainly serve European destinations with A320s and A321s. They do however operate a couple of A330s with which they provide several longhaul services. LTU profits from the fact that most airlines have deserted Düsseldorf after 9/11 and now there is very little competition in this huge market with approximately 20 million people living in the area served by Düsseldorf airport. Also, LTU has decided to take advantage of the fact that they are not a low fare airline. They provide decent service at a somewhat higher price and people seem to like that approach.
Holders of the "LTU Card" (there is a moderate annual fee) can reserve seats ahead of time without additional charges.